Friday, July 10, 2009

Mid-noon musings!

Its been a really long time since my last post here... i guess you could say i've been suffering from a writer's bloc.... so to speak.

If you've been following my blog, then you'll know that most of my posts are rather emotionally charged. It means that I only write when I have something to say (or something to get out of my system). Today is an exception in that sense because I am writing this blog only out of pure boredom!

Yes, I am bored. I am in my office, I have no work to do since the project i am working on is almost complete and in its wrapping-up stage. My friends, who worked with me in the office, have now resigned for pursuing further studies. So, basically, I am pretty much by myself now, in the office.
While some friends are going away, others have come back! I am very glad that some of my best friends are now back in town. Its so good to see their faces and talk to them after such a long time. Hmmm... now before this post becomes a 'happy' post, I must get back to my element - which is morose and self-indulgent.

I have a book in front of me, screaming for my attention. I am trying my best to ignore it. I need to read that by this weekend, its a part of my assignment. But, for some strange reason, I find that book quite uninteresting. Maybe its because of the fact that it's 765 pages long!!!

Anyway, I used to keep cribbing to anyone who would listen, that I had no ambition and my life had no direction! (Wow! that rhymes... maybe I should be a poet... ;-) )
I am very happy to announce that I have finally found my calling (and dont worry, I am not going to write poems). It could lead to something or to nothing. I guess, we'll just have to wait n' watch! At least, now I won't have any regrets that I didn't try.

That's it for today! I don't know when my next post is gonna come so... see u when i see u!
Take care! Bye!
Live life to the fullest!
And don't drink and drive... :-)