Thursday, February 5, 2009

Tribute to "The Joker"

I saw "The Dark Knight" last night (again).... and I was mesmerised by Heath Ledger's spell-binding portrayal of "The Joker" (again). I cannot analyze or describe his performance... all i can say is that he truly deserves the Golden Globe Award he got and Oscar award which he is definitely going to get. I have seen Jack Nicholson's 'Joker' and I can honestly say that it was nothing compared to Heath Ledger's Joker.
Also, I think the dialogue-writers of that movie deserve a big round of applause for giving The Joker, the best dialogues in the movie and for giving us, some of the best quotable quotes of the year! Here are some of my favourite quotes from the movie, courtesy of Imdb.... (these are all Joker's quotes, by the way)

*Why so serious?
*I've learned that if you're good at something... never do it for free!
*Wanna know how i got these scars?
*I believe whatever doesn't kill you, simply makes you.... stranger!
*Good evening, Ladies and Gentlemen! We are tonight's entertainment!
*Ha Ha He He Hu Hu..... and I thought my jokes were bad!
*This is what happens when an unstoppable force meets an immovable object!
*(to Batman) I won't kill you because you're just too much fun. I think you and I are destined to do this forever!
*You see, madness, as you know, is like gravity. All it takes is a little push!
*Do you want to know why I use a knife? Guns are too quick. You can't savor all the... little emotions. In... you see, in their last moments, people show you who they really are. So in a way, I know your friends better than you ever did. Would you like to know which of them were cowards?
*See, I'm a man of simple tastes. I like dynamite, and gunpowder... and gasoline!
*I'm a man of my word!
*Tonight you're all gonna be part of a social experiment.
*See, I'm not a monster. I'm just ahead of the curve.
*Never start with the head, the victim gets all.... fuzzy.
*How about a magic trick? I'm gonna make this pencil disappear....... TA-DA!!!
*You know the thing about chaos? It's fair.
*I know why you choose to have your little... "Group therapy sessions" in broad daylight. I know why you're afraid to go out at night. The Batman!
*You and your kind, all you care about is money. This city deserves a better class of criminal. And I'm gonna give it to them!
*Now, our operation is small, but there's a lot of potential for "aggressive" expansion.
*You know what I am? I'm a dog chasing cars. I wouldn't know what to do with one if I caught it. You know, I just... do things.
*Introduce a little anarchy. Upset the established order, and everything becomes chaos. I'm an agent of chaos.
*Let's put a smile on that face!

i'm sure there are more.... Looks like I'm gonna have to watch the movie again.... :-)

Monday, February 2, 2009

2009 is here... so what?

After an eternity, i am writing a post that was not borne out of anger or frustration, but merely out of boredom.... and some self-introspection!

I've heard of Einstein's Theory of Relativity, and lately, i have been witness to it too. It's weird how sometimes life seems to zoom past you and everything around you is nothing more than a blur... and then there are times when, everything slows down so much so that it feels like time itself is standing still and waiting with baited breath for what comes next... I see my friends, all excited about their future and making plans to secure it and sometimes it scares me. Sometimes, it feels like there is a big secret somewhere that everybody knows, except me.... like everybody else was taught some secret formula for success and somehow, i seemed to have missed that class. As a result, here I am, with no plans, no goals whatsoever, just sitting and watching everyone else zoom past me. I do not crave success, I'm just afraid of being left behind.

Its not as if i dont have any other options. Life has been generous to me in that respect. But my problem is that I dont really know which way to go. Something deep inside me, tells me that my future lies off the beaten track. But then comes the issue of plucking up the courage to take the path less travelled. I'm not really sure about anything and frankly, its quite frustrating! There i go again!! No matter how hard I try, a little bit of angst seems to creep into every one of my posts!
Anyway, enough rambling about the future.
Right now, I'm quite content with the present. Is it bad to like the way things are? Is something wrong with me, just b'coz I dont want to fly high or achieve big things? Sometimes, I feels like it is a crime to be ambitionless.

So many questions, and no answers.... such is Life!!!