Friday, September 19, 2008

Hate Speeches

After intensive research and analysis, i have come to the conclusion that there are only 5 possible outcomes of an Hate Speech.

First, let me describe the elements involved in the phenomenon:

1) the first and most important element is the speaker. this is usually a politician or aspiring political leader, who either needs a boost in his fading political career or he has no achievements to boast about in the upcoming elections.

2) the supporters of the aforementioned speaker. they are usually of the brainless type, who have no opinions of their own and would blindly and willingly do as they are told.

3) the targets. they are a group or a community (usually of the minority type) who have been targetted by the speaker in the Hate Speech and whose votes are of no consequence to the speaker or his party.

Now, let me describe the results of this phenomenon and their effects on each element:

a) the speaker, of course, comes into the media's spotlight. he gains political mileage (read- gets a good score on his political score-card). he also, rather daringly, invites the wrath of an entire community. but as i mentioned before, since their votes really dont matter, to hell with them!

b) the supporters become agitated, angry and aggressive as they lap up all the silly logic behind the speeches dished out to them.

c) the targets first become irritated, then scared and then later, agitated. eventually, they tend to become aggressive as well.

d) when the two factions - supporters and targets come head to head, some violence can be expected, sometimes resulting in loss of life.

e) loss of life notwithstanding, the speaker, in a win-win situation, stands to lose nothing.

i, for one, do not understand what these politicians are trying to acheive by pitting people against each other, sometimes on the basis of religion, sometimes caste and now the latest trend is 'regional politics'.

nothing good ever came out of such divisive politics... i thought people would have learnt that by now (especially after the '93 riots). but apparently, some people just dont get it and others ('educated' people like us) just dont care enough to do something about it.

unity is the only solution to all our problems!!! if we stand united, no force on earth can harm us; be it corrupt politicians or lunatic terrorists....

and with that note, i sign out for the day!

Jai Hind!

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